What does the integration do?
The Rydoo - F&O integration automatically synchronises employees' data, and project data from F&O to Rydoo, making sure that your employee and project information is always consistent and up-to-date on both systems.
The connector also synchronises approved expense data from Rydoo to F&O.
Data Import
Employee master data
First Name
Last Name
E-mail address
User Id / Vendor Id
Active status
Department / Cost center assignment
Expense approver assignment
Financial dimensions (Custom Field in Rydoo)
Data Export
Reimbursable and non-reimbursable expense sync
Approved/ Controlled expenses
Mark expenses as "reported" after a successful sync
Sync expenses to F&O in "review" stage
Reject expenses from D365 F&O
Exported fields:
Expense date
Expense type (expense, per diem, mileage)
Category name
Account (GL account)
Reimbursable or Non-reimbursable flag
Account type (Project, Ledger)
Cost Center
Custom Fields
Unique Id (XPD number)
* Reach out to connect@rydoo.com for more detailed information or questions regarding the connector.