1. On you SAP Integration Suite tenant, go to the ‘Build and develop integration content’ page.

2. Choose ‘Import’ on the right side of your screen.

3. Navigate to the SF – Rydoo Integration Package zip-file that was provided and choose ‘Open’.

At this point the new package will be available on your system.

Inside this package, you’ll find 4 artefacts. 3 of them are integration flows.
User Data Flow
User Approval Data Flow
Get Historical Data
the other one is a Value Mapping.
VM – UserData – SF to Rydoo Mapping
Click on the User Data Flow Actions button and choose ‘Configure’.

Interface trigger
The Timer, Delta Timer, parameter specifies on how and when to start the interface.

The possibilities can be divided into 3 options.
Run once
Schedule on day
Schedule to recur
Run once
With this configuration the interface will only run once immediately after deployment.

Schedule on day
With the ‘Schedule on day’ option the interface will run on a specified date. More into detail, you can choose to run it once on a specific time that day.

Or you can choose to run it every x time within a certain timeframe that day.

Schedule to recur
With the ‘Schedule to recur’ option the interface will run repeatedly every day, week or month.
Looking deeper into it, you again can choose to run it on a specific time.
Or you can choose to run it every x time within a certain timeframe.
Interface receivers
In the Receiver tab you can find all external parties CPI is communicating with.
Choose ‘SuccessFactors’ in the ‘Receiver’ dropdown to configure all connection related parameters to the SAP SuccessFactors system.
In this case you can configure
- Address
- Authentication
- Credential Name

In this parameter you can specify the URL address to the SAP SuccessFactors data service. -
The type of authentication you wish to use. -
Credential Name
The credential entry you have maintained in Security Material.
Choose ‘Rydoo’ in the ‘Receiver’ dropdown to configure all connection related parameters to the Rydoo SFTP.

In this case you can configure
The directory you wish to place the csv files. -
In this parameter you can specify the hostname of the Rydoo server. -
The type of authentication you wish to use. -
Credential Name
The credential entry you have maintained in Security Material. -
The amount of time (in miliseconds) you wish the connections uses until it falls into timeout error. -
Maximum Reconnect Attempts
The number of times the system can retry to connect. -
Reconnect Delay
The amount of time (in miliseconds) between 2 connection attempts.
Own error handling framework
Choose ‘CPI_ErrorHandling’ in the ‘Receiver’ dropdown if you would like to use your own custom error handling flow.

Here you can specify the ProcessDirect address to you own custom error handling flow.
Inbuilt mailing errorhandling
Choose ‘Mail’ in the ‘Receiver’ dropdown if you would like to receive error mails generated by this flow.

Other parameters
In the ‘More’ tab you can find all other parameters

All parameters
Choose ‘All Parameters’ to see all other parameters not mentioned in the previous tabs.

This value is used as prefix in the filename that is created on the Rydoo SFTP.
Filename scheme: <companyName>_users_<datetime of execution>.csv
This date is used as delta date the first time the interface runs after deployment.
During execution the interface will capture all changes made to the user data from this date until today.
During every run, this date will be overwritten by the current date time. But after each deployment this date is set back to the value you put here.
This parameter specifies what you want to do in terms of Error Handling. There are 3 options:
‘Custom’: use my own custom build alert handling framework flow
‘Mail’: use the inbuild mailing error handling option
<empty>: use no error handling
BranchId / BranchName / GroupId / GroupName
These are specific Rydoo parameters. You can choose to link them to the Legal Entity, Business Unit, Department, Division or Cost Center of the employee.
BranchName and GroupName will consist of the name of your chosen LE, BU, DEP, DIV or CC. BranchId and GroupID will consist of the technical code of your chosen LE, BU, DEP, DIV or CC. These are 5 options you can enter(not case sensitive):
‘Business’: links the parameter to the Business Unit
‘Company’: links the parameter to the Legal Entity
‘Costcenter’: links the parameter to the Cost Center
‘Department’: links the parameter to the Department
‘Division’: links the parameter to the Division
All other values entered will cause the interface to fail!
Save your changes
Be sure to save your changes by clicking the ‘Save’ button on the bottom right of the window.
In order to start using them, you have to (re)deploy the interface using the ‘Deploy’ button. (Keep in mind the ‘date’ parameter will get overwritten with the value that you configured).
Click on the User Approval Data Flow Actions button and choose ‘Configure’.
Interface trigger
The Timer, Start Timer, parameter specifies on how and when to start the interface.
The possibilities can be divided into 3 options.
Run once
Schedule on day
Schedule to recur
Rydoo recommendation is to schedule the User approver Data flow 15min after the User Data Flow.
Run once
With this configuration the interface will only run once immediately after deployment.

Schedule on day
With the ‘Schedule on day’ option the interface will run on a specified date. More into detail, you can choose to run it once on a specific time that day.

Or you can choose to run it every x time within a certain timeframe that day.

Schedule to recur
With the ‘Schedule to recur’ option the interface will run repeatedly every day, week or month.
Looking deeper into it, you again can choose to run it on a specific time.

Or you can choose to run it every x time within a certain timeframe.

Interface receivers
In the Receiver tab you can find all external parties CPI is communicating with.

Choose ‘SuccessFactors’ in the ‘Receiver’ dropdown to configure all connection related parameters to the SAP SuccessFactors system.
In this case you can configure
• Address
• Authentication
• Credential Name

In this parameter you can specify the URL address to the SAP SuccessFactors odata service.
The type of authentication you wish to use.
Credential Name
The credential entry you have maintained in Security Material.
Choose ‘Rydoo’ in the ‘Receiver’ dropdown to configure all connection related parameters to the Rydoo SFTP.

In this case you can configure
The directory you wish to place the csv files. -
In this parameter you can specify the hostname of the Rydoo server. -
The type of authentication you wish to use. -
Credential Name
The credential entry you have maintained in Security Material. -
The amount of time (in miliseconds) you wish the connections uses until it falls into timeout error. -
Maximum Reconnect Attempts
The number of times the system can retry to connect. -
Reconnect Delay
The amount of time (in miliseconds) between 2 connection attempts.
Own error handling framework
Choose ‘CPI_ErrorHandling’ in the ‘Receiver’ dropdown if you would like to use your own custom error handling flow.

Here you can specify the ProcessDirect address to you own custom error handling flow.
Inbuilt mailing errorhandling
Choose ‘Mail_ErrorHandling’ in the ‘Receiver’ dropdown if you would like to receive error mails generated by this flow.

Other parameters
In the ‘More’ tab you can find all other parameters

All parameters
Choose ‘All Parameters’ to see all other parameters not mentioned in the previous tabs.
This value is used as prefix in the filename that is created on the Rydoo SFTP.
Filename scheme: <companyName>_approverusers_<datetime of execution>.csv
This date is used as delta date the first time the interface runs after deployment.
During execution the interface will capture all changes made to the user data from this date until today.
During every run, this date will be overwritten by the current date time. But after each deployment this date is set back to the value you put here.
This parameter specifies what you want to do in terms of Error Handling. There are 3 options:
‘Custom’: use my own custom build alert handling framework flow
‘Mail’: use the inbuild mailing error handling option
<empty>: use no error handling
This interface, User Approval Data Flow, gets all changed manager relation records and then builds the query to get all the relevant historical relation records for all users that came in with a change.
This parameter defines how many different userid’s can be used in 1 query in order not to overload the SAP SuccessFactors server.
Save your changes
Be sure to save your changes by clicking the ‘Save’ button on the bottom right of the window.
In order to start using them, you have to (re)deploy the interface using the ‘Deploy’ button. (Keep in mind the ‘date’ parameter will get overwritten with the value that you configured).

Click on the Historical Data Flow Actions button and choose ‘Configure’.

Interface receivers
In the Receiver tab you can find all external parties CPI is communicating with

Choose ‘SuccessFactors’ in the ‘Receiver’ dropdown to configure all connection related parameters to the SAP SuccessFactors system.
In this case you can configure:
- Address
In this parameter you can specify the URL address to the SAP SuccessFactors data service. - Authentication
The type of authentication you wish to use. - Credential Name
The credential entry you have maintained in Security Material.

Security Material
To get this framework working you have to maintain some Security material. This is how you can do it.
On your SAP Integration Suite tenant, go to the ‘Operate and monitor integration scenario’s’ page.

We would like to inform you that SAP SuccessFactors will no longer support the use of basic authentication as off November 2023. Therefore we would advice you to use OAuth2 authentication instead. (See the ‘Maintain OAuth2 Client Credentials’ section).
Maintain user/password credentials
Click on the ‘Security Material’ tile inside the ‘Manage Security’ section.

On the right side of your screen, click on the ‘Create’ button and choose ‘User Credentials’.

A popup window will appear. Give your user credential a name. This is the name you have to user in the configuration of your interface parameters!
Choose type ‘User Credentials’ and fill in the user and password. Save your entry by clicking ‘Deploy’

The new entry will appear in the overview. If the status does not show ‘Deployed’, you can refresh the screen with the rounded arrow button on the right side of your screen, marked with the red square in below screenshot.

Maintain OAuth2 Client credentials
Click on the ‘Security Material’ tile inside the ‘Manage Security’ section.

On the right side of your screen, click on the ‘Create’ button and choose ‘OAuth2 Client Credentials’.

A popup window will appear. Give your user credential a ~name. This is the name you have to user in the configuration of your interface parameters!
Fill in the Token service URL, client ID and client secret.

By ticking the ‘Include Scope’ box, you can choose the content type you wish to use to send the OAuth2 credentials.

Save your entry by clicking ‘Deploy’