What does the integration do?
The Rydoo - Personio integration automatically synchronises employees data from Personio to Rydoo, making sure that your employee's information is always consistent and up-to-date on both systems.
New users created on Personio will automatically be created on Rydoo. Changes in Personio user accounts (such as updated email address)will be automatically synced to Rydoo based on the 'RydooUserId' field.
Any changes on Personio such as reassignment of supervisors or cost centers will also take place on Rydoo.
Rydoo takes care of the maintenance and mapping updates.
The synchronisation happens daily.
What does the mapping look like?
Field description |
Field in Personio | Field in Rydoo |
Email of the user. This property needs to be unique in your Rydoo account. | ||
First name of the employee | First name | First name |
Last name of the employee | Last name | Last name |
Status of the user. Onboarding and active enables the user in Rydoo. Leave and Inactive disables the user in Rydoo
Status (*configurable) |
Status |
Direct manager of the employee and approver/controller in Rydoo. There can only be 1 direct manager. If there is no supervisor then there is no approver/controller set in Rydoo In case you select another field than Supervisor, the data in this filed should be the e-mail address of the approver. |
Supervisor (*configurable) |
Approver(1st level) or Controller(2nd level) |
The Sub company in Personio maps to a branch in Rydoo. The branch Id of the branch needs to equal the name of the Sub-company or the custom field that was chosen. |
Subcompany (*configurable) |
BranchID |
A cost center in Personio maps to a group in Rydoo. The name of the cost center maps to the group Id in Rydoo. Users can only be part of 1 cost center. When a cost center is created the name of the department is added as a group name.
Group Id = Cost center Group name = department |
Cost center (*configurable) Department |
GroupID = Cost center GroupName= department |
A field in Personio where Unique Id/employee is stored can be synced to Rydoo as User Id. | Custom Field (*configurable) | User Id |
When a user is created in Rydoo the unique user identifier is set in Personio as a dynamic field. |
RydooUserId (*configurable) |
UserGuid |
Sync the IBAN number to Rydoo from Personio to be able to reimburse users based on this information. | Custom Field (*configurable) |
AccountNumber |
*configurable = It is possible to select any other field from Personio from where the information should be synced.
Example: Instead of syncing data of Approvers to Rydoo from the standard ´Supervisor´ field of Personio it is possible to specify an alternative field.
Set up of the integration
Step 1: Add RydooUserId as a field on the employee profile.
Navigate to Settings > Employee information in the configuration of your Personio account
Create a section and name it Integrations
Add an attribute to the section
Name the field RydooUserId and select General as an input type.
Step 2: Set up API access for your Personio account
Navigate to the API Credentials page in the configuration of your Personio account (Settings > Integrations)
Generate API access credentials (see also 'See connected integrations'). Once the credentials are generated, make sure to copy and paste them in a secure location.
Share the credentials with our Rydoo team. You can send the credentials via an encrypted email or a secure link such as Dashlane.
Make sure you provide access to the required attributes when configuring API (Access tab on the API page) in your Personio account:
Click edit and add the following fields to the list:
First Name
Last name
Last modified
Sub company
Cost center
Rydoo UserId
Important: The integration looks at the 'Last modified' date in Personio to update existing users in Rydoo. If this field is not included in the API permissions, the integration will not work for updating users.
Make sure to also add any additional fields you want to sync with Rydoo (IBAN, Rydoo status if applicable, ...)
Error handling
An e-mail should be provided to Rydoo in order to receive error messages when there was some error or missing information in the Masterdata.
Provide set-up information to Rydoo
Contact your dedicated Customer Success manager or in case you don't have one, send the information to connect@rydoo.com.
Please share credentials and confidential information via a secure platform or encrypted email e.g. Dashlane.
API Client ID:
API Client Secret:
Is the standard Cost Center field used?
E-mail address for error messages:
Rydoo fields Personio fields (name of the field) Status Approver or Controller (select 1) Group ID User ID AccountNumber UserGuid