1. Create a Sandbox account for Netsuite migration with Key users manually. If the sandbox account already exists, remove/ inactivate all existing groups, categories, projects etc
2. Provide the Netsuite following articles to the customer to retrieve the token credentials:
3. Inactivate all automatically created Expense Categories.
4. Enable the Netsuite interface. Ensure that the ‘test mode’ is enabled.
5. Sync Employees (groups are automatically created), Categories, Projects (optional), Tax rates (optional), Credit Cards (optional).
6. Request customer to test the account, and make sure all the requirements and masterdata is correctly created in Rydoo.
7. Upon validation, create a migration timeline for Production switch in collaboration with the customer.
8. Customer should then inform the end users on the unavailability of Rydoo for a few days (during the migration).
9. All existing expenses on Production should be reported. Users to be set as inactive so no new expenses are created during the migration. As the export to Netsuite will not work if the source of the masterdata is not imported from Netsuite.
10. Schedule a call with the customer on the day of migration to check all masterdata is correctly synced to Rydoo. Sign off on the migration.
1. Will all the expenses created prior to the migration still remain after?
Yes, none of the expenses created prior to the migration will be deleted.
2. Is it crucial to have all Expenses Reported?
Yes, for expenses to be successfully exported to Netsuite, the source of all inbound (to Rydoo) masterdata should be synced from Netsuite. Consequently, all expenses created prior to the migration should be set as reported.
3. Should all the masterdata prior to the migration be set as inactive?
Yes, all masterdata including users should be set as inactive. Users should not be able to create new expenses during the migration process. All other masterdata (groups, projects, tax etc) would no longer be relevant as the source of the data would not be from Netsuite prior to the migration.
NOTE: New data will be created in Rydoo from Netsuite for Projects, Groups, Tax rates, Expense Categories. However, the user data will be automatically linked to Netsuite employees after syncing from Netsuite. There will be no duplicate users created.