The accounting report summarises all approved and controlled expenses - in the branch, you select - until the end date you choose.
To create the accounting report, change your role to Finance:
You will immediately arrive at the Expenses overview of the entire company, or the branches you have access to - which is defined by the Company Administrator.
In the overview, you will be able:
To see a 'To report'-tab to view which expenses will be included in the Accounting Report or to send to your software integration,
Run an Accounting Report and set expenses as reported,
Export multiple file formats at the same time (Excel and PDF).
When you click the 'Run accounting report'-button, a pop-up will provide you with the necessary options to configure your report:
You can name the report, select the end date, select a currency and branch (if you have multiple reporting currencies and branches), and check the box to give the expenses in the report the status 'reported' permanently, before clicking on 'Export'.
Wait for the wheel to stop spinning. Download the report by clicking the 'V'-button on the reporting page - that you can find via the left navigation bar under 'Reporting':
To set expenses to be reported each time you run an accounting report, you can set this option as default in your 'Personal settings' by checking the box before 'Activate set as reported for accounting reports by default'.