The matching feature helps you to reconcile your expense with credit card transactions. Once a receipt has been uploaded, Rydoo will automatically look for a match to the corresponding corporate card feed.
If one of your card transactions happened to not automatically match your expenses, you can manually match them. This article explains how to do this in Rydoo.
1. Select the expense you want to match.
2. Click the Match card transaction field.
3. Select the correct card transaction to be matched with the expense.
4. If the expense and transaction are successfully matched, you will see a green card icon next to the expense and you can view the transaction in the expense details.
1. Go to Expenses page, click TO DO, and select the expense you want to manually match.
2. Click the Actions button on the upper right of the screen, then select 'Match transaction'.
3. A pop-up window will appear, then look for the transaction that you want to match with your expense. Then, click 'Match'.
4. Once matched, you will be notified that the expense and the credit card transaction are successfully matched.
You can only match one transaction per expense.
If you need to link a transaction to several expenses, it's best to match the expense into a transaction first and then use the split option.
Transactions can only be matched on the Expenses page.
Users with Finance Role can send a reminder to an employee about matching transactions with their expenses.