This article applies to both approvers and controllers. You can check all expenses you approved or controlled on the Expenses > All page.
If you are multiple approvers or controllers for a user, the All Expenses page will show you all expenses from the users that were assigned under your approval regardless of who approves the expense.
To check the expenses you solely approved, you will need to export them to an Excel file format. Here's how:
- Switch role from Personal to Approver or Controller
- Go to Expenses > All tab page
- Use filters as needed (Recommended: Check = See reported expenses checkbox AND Status = Reported)
- Select Excel file format
- Choose Export all expenses based on the current filters
- Click Export
- You will be redirected to the Exports page. Click the check icon to download.
In the report, you can check and filter the "approved by" column and sort it using your email address.