Your administrator will add your company credit card to Rydoo as a payment method. You can also add add payment methods yourself. In case of a direct connection with your bank, you will be need to validate your card. After you validated your card, transactions will come into Rydoo.
1. Go to Personal settings.
2. Go to Payment methods.
3. If your card is ready to be validated, you will see the Click to validate link under your card number.
(Alternative) You will see Validate here link in the edit payment method section as well.
4. After clicking the link, the Card Validation page will appear and you will see the latest transaction(s) done with your card.
For one (1) of these transactions, you need to fill in the correct original amount and original currency and click the Validate button. This is to prove that you are the owner of the card.
5. Once the card has been validated, we'll indicate it as Validated and the transactions will immediately show on the Transactions page.
NOTE: Any new transaction will come in on a daily basis.