There are different types of roles in Rydoo. A user's role defines what the user can view and do in Rydoo. This article explains the different roles in Rydoo. Admins still have the option to configure and customise the permissions per roles. One user can have multiple roles.
Personal user
This role is for users who will mainly submit their personal expenses in Rydoo. Every user in Rydoo will have the personal role, so they can upload expenses for themselves, next to potentially additional roles.
An approver's main task in Rydoo is to approve or reject expenses from other users, based on the company's expense policy. This is the first level of approval. All users will have an Approver assigned. This Approver will then be responsible for checking the expenses and deciding whether to approve or reject them.
Approvers often also have the option to edit expenses, send reminder to users etc., but this is configurable by the Admin.
If your company chooses to have two levels of approval, there will also be Controllers. After an Approver approved an expense, it is the Controller's responsibility to do a second check of the expense. Based on the company's expense policy, the Controller will control or reject expenses of users assigned to them.
Controllers can often also edit expenses, send reminders etc., but this is configurable by the Admin.
Finance manages and reports expenses. They have access to all expenses and can create accounting reports.
For Finance as well, an account's Admin can customise and configure the permissions for the Finance role.
Administrators can manage all configurations for the whole account. They are in charge of adding users, configuring the expense policy, set up and update rates, manage the roles and permissions,...
The Director role is observative role. Directors can view expenses and create reports, but are not responsible for any actions.
Admins can configure the permissions of the role of Director.
Branch manager
A branch manager can manage users, groups and payment methods for specific branches.
A Treasurer can manage cash advances and Rydoo cards requests.
An Analyst has access to the Insights module.
Want to find out the flow an expense follows in Rydoo? Check out this article.