There are multiple ways to upload your receipts in Rydoo. Find an overview of all options here.
This article explains how to create an expense manually on Mobile and on Web.
1. Click + Add Expenses.
2. Click the option Add expense manually.
3. Click Add receipt. You'll have three options:
Take photo - this will allow you to take a photo of your receipts.
Attach a receipt - this will allow you to add pictures of receipts that are saved in your gallery.
- Don't attach a receipt
4. Fill in all required fields. Please note that fields with asterisk (*) are required.
5. Once all fields have been completed. Click Submit (the expense will be sent for approval), or Save to submit your expense later (it won't be sent for approval).
1. Go to the Expenses page and click Add Expense. From the drop-down menu, choose Add Expense.
2. Complete all the required details, upload your receipt and click on Save or Submit.

NOTE: You will only be able to submit if all required fields are filled in.