As a user, you can recall your already submitted expense. You can then for example edit the expense again.
NOTE: This is only possible if the expense hasn't been approved yet. Also, the recall function is configurable, depending on your company's preference. If you don't have the option to recall an expense, but you want to edit or delete it, we advise to contact your company's responsible.
1. Go to Expenses and go to the “All” tab.
2. Tap on the expense you would like to recall.
3. Click on the 3 dots (...) at the top right hand side of the screen, this will bring you another screen at the bottom.
4. Click on the Recall. Once completed, the expense will be visible in your To-Do list. The status, then will change from Submitted to Recalled.
1. Check the expense status.
Go to Expenses page and navigate to ALL EXPENSES, all expenses will appear in this tab regardless of the status. You can check the status in the status column.
You can also filter using the + Add Filter to view the Status or Expense Type.
2. Select the submitted expense and click Recall on the top or Open the expense in question > Click Recall button.
3. A banner with "Expense recalled" will appear at the bottom of your screen and the expense will be tagged as Recalled.
4. Recalled expense/s will then be available under the "TO DO" list. You can now edit the necessary information or delete the expense.

5. Click Save or Submit.