There are multiple ways to upload your receipts in Rydoo. Find an overview of all options here.
One of the options is to forward your receipt via email. You can upload receipts to your Rydoo account by attaching a receipt to an email and sending it to (for Production) and (for Sandbox) or by forwarding any invoices you have received via email (for example a plane ticket) to this mail address.
Rydoo will upload:
- Body email - If you forward an email without an attachment, we will convert the email into a receipt.
- One attachment - If you forward an email with one attachment, we will use the attachment as a receipt (jpeg, pdf, png).
- Multiple attachments - We will create a separate expense for each attachment in the email.
IMPORTANT: You need to forward the receipts or invoices from the email address associated with your Rydoo account.
- If you want to forward emails from an email address other than Rydoo account email address, you can add more email addresses to forward receipts from in your personal account settings. Learn how to add a secondary email address here.