This article will help you understand the personal expense page, explain all possibilities and show you how to personalise your expense view.
To do - All expenses
There are two tabs in the expense page:
- To do: list of expenses that still need your attention, for example need to be submitted, need to add more information,...
- All expenses: list of all your expenses, regardless of their status.
Add expenses
There are multiple ways to add different types of expenses. Learn more about creating and submitting expenses here.
Multi-edit expenses
It is possible to edit multiple expenses at once. Find out how to make these bulk edits here.
Delete expenses
You can delete multiple expenses at once with the multi-delete option.
Add and rearrange columns
You can personalise your personal expense view by adding, removing and rearranging the columns. First click the icon on the right.
- A: Adding a column: click + Add column and select the column you want to add
- B: Removing a column: click the X
- C: Rearrange the order of the columns: click and hold the dots next to the column and drag to another place
Don't forget to save!
You can also adjust the column size. To do this, hover your mouse into the column you wish to adjust. You will see a line beside the column. Drag it to the left or right to adjust.
It is also possible to sort the expenses, for example by date, amount or status. You can do this by clicking on the column header.
Add filters
You can filter the expenses with all types of different filters.
You can search an expense by using the search bar.
What's new, what's next
We are continuously working on the personal expense page, which means that there are some helpful features that are not yet available in the current release. We are working towards closing these gaps, but in the meantime, you can read about all the current limitations here.