This article applies to the following issues:
- The "validate here" link is not showing
- Users stopped getting new transactions, or the transactions do not show on my Rydoo account.
How to check if the validation is ready?
The Validate your card will show on your Dashboard > To-do list
The Validate Here link will show in your Personal Settings > Payment method page
Please note that the validation will only show if:
- Your company opted for a company credit card bank feed.
- Your full card number is added to your personal settings > payment method page.
- Your card has already been used
- Your bank has sent your transaction to Rydoo
To fix this:
- If you are a user, please contact your Finance team internally.
- If you are a Finance or company administrator, please check the following:
- Go to Admin > Payment methods page. Check if the card number is correct, added on the correct user, and has active status.
- Check if the card has already been used.
- Contact your bank and check if the new card or transaction is part of the bank feed file that they are sending to Rydoo. Don’t forget to ask for the bank feed file name where the transactions were included and the date when it was sent to Rydoo.
- If the steps above have been taken but validate link does not show or you are still not getting new transactions, please contact us at and provide the following details:
- Transaction Date
- Amount
- Currency
- Merchant
- User's Full Name or Email address
- User's Payment Method Name
- Bank Name
- Type of Card (Visa, MasterCard, AMEX and etc.)
- Bank Feed File